Blogger Template: Elegent Style and SEO friendly

7:27 PM

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Demo Template | Download

New Blogger Template with elegent Style and SEO friendly. It was design simple but nice looking. The advantage of this template is loading page is fast. This template only use 20% image and the other is color by coding technique.

How to change the logo?

Before starting to make changers in your blog template please remember to backup your previous template.From layout, edit HTML find this line

<div class='ad-banner'>
the entire code is shown below:

<div class='ad-banner'>
<a href=''>
<img src='Your Logo URL is here'/></a>

save template.. done :)

It not a joke, it very real.. blogger now available in malay

7:03 AM

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blogger bm
It not a joke, it very real.. blogger now available in malay. You can see picture attached with this post. Malaysian you should glad, blogger had give attention to us by providing blogger in our language. I believe blogger now are growing very fast in their development. Did wordpress provide malay? So far I never heard wordpress provided in malay, if it have please let me know. Yes I do agree that most of blogger now using wordpress because this blog engine can run in a localhost. I highly suggest blogger development team will allow us to run in a localhost. My felling says that blogger will give more impact in blogging scenario in a few months, it because more and more function coming out. Good luck blogger aka blogspot.

* Here is my main point, why blogger very famous. Blogger open the way for his user to earn income compare to the other blog engine.


Change default browser from Firefox back to IE

9:57 PM

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In the top of the Internet Explorer 7 window, in the same line as your tabs there is a Tools menu item, left click the little arrow pointing down then left click Internet Options.

Left click the Programs tab in the window that appears.

In the second section of that tab is Default browser.

Left click the button to make Internet Explorer the default browser.


www and non www domain.

1:58 AM

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Some of you might didn’t notice that there is a different for or Nowadays, most of the internet user didn’t use www in front the domain. Easier for the users to access the web by just typing the domain name in the address bar without www.

What actually the different? The different is some of the search engine will assume the www and non www web page is different. It might be affect your web ranging in the search engine result. If your webs stay on the top, the chance you to make money or get notice by your visitor are very high. So, it up to you either you still want to stick with www or moving into www. The decision in your hand.

Most of the hosting provider had automatically set the redirect the www page to non www page. What should you do if your hosting provider didn’t redirect your www domain to non www. You can do the redirect from www to non www domain. For example; to Just use the script below on your .htacess

########## Redirect non-www to www version of site
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule (.*)
http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
