How to backup blogger widgets while changing blogger template

2:37 AM

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Are you often changing your blog template? What will you do if the blogger widgets need to delete? This is the major problem for blogger user. They will loss their widgets even if they take backup of their template. After Changing their template , they need to add widgets again manually. It's really annoying and time consuming process.

How to backup blogger widgets?

Before changing template search your widgets code without putting check in expand widgets box.

Select the widget code as shown in the image above.

*if you have more than one widget, search it, copy it into notepad.

After uploading you will get a message such as picture below:

Don't click Confirm & save tab. Search for the following code <b:widget id=' . Now paste the widget codes you have saved above or below the code in yellow

Save your new template. Done :)

This method is very useful compare add widgets again manually.

Still don't get it... watch the video.


Display recent comment in your blog

8:17 PM

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What is the purpose to display recent comment? One of the best answers I guess is, give you blog reader chance to show off their idea or opinion in your blog. This is another way for you to gain traffic for your blog. I will focus on blogger, how you can add recent comment in your blog.

1. Login into your blogger account
2. Go to layout and select Page Elements.
3. Select Feed

4. Put your comments feed url in the space provided and click continue.

5. Change the title to Recent Comments or any name
6. Decide where you wanted to put recent comment in your blog.

Complete !!! :)


The criteria of good template

1:14 AM

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What would you thing if someone ask you, what are the criteria of good template. The answer can be a million, but here I will mention a few of it. The most important things in good template is your layout. Is your layout user friendly? Most of successful blogger have user friendly as an example, and Did you realize beside nice looking layout, what is the similarly of this two blog? Most of the advertisement or a service offered by them is on the top of the page. On the right of the page, they put the links or page navigation and direct advertisement in their blog. There must be a reason why the blog navigation and advertisement or any money maker program is on the right side. Most of us is right hand side and left handed is only minority. The possibility easy to click is 70- 80 % must be in the right side of the page because most people is right handed.

Another thing very important to determine the criteria of good template is page process loading. Just imagine what you will do if the page you trying to open very slowly. You will leave that page and search another page. If you wish visitor of your page read the post in your blog, then thing again to create or choose a template that loading easily and fast. Trust me; it will help you increase your blog performance.

Third thing is, color combination in your blog. If your page or blog have a good color combination plus beautiful design, I believe you already have done one of the basic thing to be a professional blogger. Just ask your self, if you still didn’t satisfy with your template, try to search the best template on the internet. There is a million good and beautiful template in the internet, it’s totally free. Send a little bit of your time to search good template and try to learn how it made. I believe soon or letter you will come out with your own template. I also still learn hoe to create a good template. Here is a few tips how to select a suitable color for your blog.

Happy = Yellow Inexpensive = Brown
Pure = White Powerful = Red (tomato)
Good Luck = green Dependable = Blue
Good tasting = Red (tomato) High Quality = Black
Dignity = Purple Nausea = Green
Technology = Silver Deity = White
Sexiness = Red (tomato) Bad Luck = Black
Mourning = Black Favorite color = Blue
Expensive = Gold Least favorite color = Orange

So in designing your page or blog it's important to know what colors mean.

I made a conclusions here, the criteria of good template are:
1.Nice looking
2.User friendly
3.Page easy and fast to loading.
4.Colour of your blog.

What you need in a blog?

6:43 PM

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I want to start blogging. What should I do fist? This is my first question come into my mind before I start blogging a year ago. Starting point is very important for you to begin something new in your life. Blogging also can be one of your sources of income, but your blog must be outstanding. There is many bloggers out there made a great income from their blog. How they make it? There is many way you can generate income from your blog, such as do review, google adsense, selling services, direct advertisement and many more. I didn’t want to discuss how you are getting money online for now, because I also did not get a good income from my blog.

Blogging is how we can share our knowledge, experience, expertise, felling, and idea with our readers thru internet. Why blog is more popular than web page to share information?. It because blog is very easy to use and all contain presented up to five posts in a page. Come to the main question, what I need to start blogging? Before start blogging, you have to think what the main topic is or contain of your blog. This will lead you to come out with your blog title. If you interested about car, you can make a blog about car and select title related to car. After you came out with your blog title and now is the second level, create a blog. What you need in a blog?

Here is my answer:

1. A great template. ( Many nice template available in the internet and its free, just use it)
2. Recent comment ( it important for you to response to your reader)
3. Recent posts ( tell your readers what new in your blog)
4. Chat box ( provide a space for you and your reader to chat)
5. Top commenter ( Help you to show who give a most comment in your blog )
6. Link list ( very useful to exchange link)
7. Blog Archive ( This can help your reader to check previous posts)
8. Adsense ( put any advertisement in your blog, who know your are lucky and make great money from your blog)

I hope my answer will give you an idea how to start blogging.
